Our Programs:


Sisters Healing Circle

We will meet once a week providing a space for young women and girls to come and learn about different topics regarding women’s health and safety. We will have conversations about topics that are otherwise taboo in the East African Community. Our hope is to address abuse because in light of some DV awareness programs, we notice that more and more women in our Muslim communities are facing abuse and lack the proper resources and support to leave unhealthy relationships.


Teen Awareness Sessions

These sessions will be youth-centered domestic violence prevention education programs that will educate young people of color in our community. This will provide education on healthy relationships and ways to be aware of unhealthy signs in relationships. We will also equip teens in these programs to be able to lead peers in future sessions.


Support Groups

A safe and confidential environment in which women of color in the community can come to share experiences of DV and develop tools to heal from such experiences. We will provide educational resources and support in any way that individuals in the community need.